Saturday, May 29, 2010


So much going on. Getting closer to being ready to leave tomorrow. I am about to spend three days in the car with my, as of yesterday, eighteen year old son. The last six weeks have gone by in a blink. Since the middle of April I have made a hurried trip to Tucson to be with my sister and mother. The reality of Mom's death on Thursday is beginning to sink in, one minute I'm sad, the next I'm relieved that she has been set free from her pain-wracked body. Then work, work, work, Mother's Day, Preparing for Reid's graduation, graduation, work some more, Reid's birthday, twenty loads of laundry, removing the stink from the car. So happy that Michael and Liz will be house and cat sitting while we are away. Making lists, checking off tasks as they are accomplished and the hours go by much too quickly! I would like to get at least six hours of sleep before loading the car in the morning, so I should stop getting distracted by things like, well, blogging. First thing in the morning, we will dig shoots from the backyard lilacs. They are coming along to get planted in sister Pam's yard and in Cullen's memorial garden. Don't they have lilacs down there you could buy and plant, you might be asking. But they wouldn't be the ancestral lilacs that we transplanted from the farm in anticipation of our second child. Lilacs from the farm where as newlyweds, we buried my precious cat Cleo. I had possession of Cleo, but Cullen was her favorite human. So I feel like we're taking a little bit of her along, and that feels more than fitting. So I had better go pack. And check a few more tasks off that list.

1 comment:

Blasé said...

This should be a memoriable trip, I'm sure.