Sunday, March 7, 2010

What's Goin' On!

In the Kitchen:

Chicken Noodle Soup -- Tonight's supper as well as lunch for me all next week.
Pork Roast -- In the crock pot, for sandwiches and quesadillas this week.
French Toast -- Oodles of it! What wasn't consumed for breakfast today will be enjoyed for breakfast all week.

In the Laundry Room:

Phase three of the major clean-up in this most neglected room is in progress. Phase one was wading through and sorting out the garbage from what was in good enough shape to donate. Three large garbage bags were hauled out to the curb and the entire back end of the Subaru was full of clothing, fabric, sheets and comforters and curtains and decorative items that made the trip to Goodwill. Phase two was a serious vacuuming job that involved moving everything around and cleaning out decade-old cobwebs. The third phase was this afternoon, and entailed cleaning off the shelves above the washer and dryer and another shelf unit across the room. The fourth and final phase will be sorting out and finding a home for everything I determined was a keeper. About a year ago I posted photos of how awful it had become in there. Gratefully, no one turned me in to the EPA for hosting a toxic waste dump in my basement. When phase four is complete, I'll post some pictures of how greatly that space has been improved.

In My Head:

A scarier place to be at times than the laundry room a year ago! But lately, I'm discovering how genuinely happy I am. In the areas of my life that need some work, things seem to be falling into place. And for those of you who believe that time heals all, WAKE UP!!! It has been my experience that all the time in the world can pass and nothing improves unless you do the work that needs to be done. Personally, I happen to think cleaning up my physical surroundings can be conducive to cleaning out the emotional closet. And I am happy to say that I have relieved myself of considerable baggage, both in my head and in my house. Works in progress, both.


Ed said...

Baggage. I don't like it.

Bellona of Avalon said...

Me neither. I'm working on dusting all of mine off, opening it up, and dealing with the contents inside. Apologies made, lessons learned, let it burden you no more.