Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Top Ten Reasons Why the Top of My Refrigerator is Nasty

1. Duh, it's the kitchen! Cooking is messy.

2. I'm not tall enough to see up there unless I stand on a chair. Out of sight, out of mind.

3. I might clean up there more often if it didn't involve climbing to, first, observe how icky it is, and then actually clean.

4. I labor under the illusion that I have a consistent level of cleanliness throughout the house. If I clean up there, chances are there are other places of filth I'm ignoring, and then I'd have to clean them, too.

5. Are we having company?
*If so, how tall are they?
*And will they be wearing white gloves?

6. It's summer, I'm busy neglecting the yard.

7. I'd rather be on a bike ride.

8. I'd rather be lazing in the hammock.

9. Food preparation doesn't actually take place up there, so why bother.

10. On my deathbed, I doubt I'll really regret not spending more time cleaning the top of the refrigerator.


Ed said...

You get up there and clean that every day or you'll die and go to HELL!

Bellona of Avalon said...

Is dying a direct consequence of the filth? Or am I merely consigning myself to HELL by not cleaning? I would hope that I would end up in Hell for a more interesting transgression. Good thing I don't believe in the concept of eternal punishment/reward. Does that affect whether it exists?

Vincetastic said...

Hi Bellona of Avalon,
This top ten list is such a fantastic idea, I think everyone can relate to it. I think God )if there is one) would have a nasty refrigerator very low on the judgment scale. You can post this to our site and link back to your site. We are trying to create a directory for top ten lists where people can find your site. The coolest feature is you can let other people vote on the rankings of your list.