Friday, March 13, 2009

My New Favorite Word


Kerfuffle. Say it two or three times. Isn't it fun? And now, in honor of St. Patrick's Day next week and in tribute to all trailer house residents everywhere, I have written a limerick that contains my new favorite word. I meant mobile home. And where else but here could you find combined such diverse and fascinating subjects? Not necessary to answer, that was rhetorical.

If high winds should cause a roof ruffle,
Old tires the noise they should muffle.
If the din does persist,
Turn up the TV, I insist!
Don't get your panties all in a kerfuffle.


Deanna said...

I heard your word in an episode of This American Life while on our road trip!

Bellona of Avalon said...

I usually catch TAL, but I missed kerfuffle! I love NPR!