Friday, January 2, 2009

W(h)ine Time

I have arriven home and it is warm! Hooray! Is arriven a word? It looks funny although it seemed correct when I thought it a moment ago. Thinking a word and then viewing it on the screen seem to sometimes have a bit of a disconnect. I have a preposterously messy house to neaten up, as Brian the Furnace Guy could confirm were he asked. Preposterously looks funny, but I expected it to. Did someone say wine? Thank you, I believe I shall have a glass or two, there is a bottle of Black Opal cabernet/merlot open and will certainly go bad if left to its own devices. Better that I should enjoy it now rather than as salad dressing or marinade later. Did anyone notice that Black Opal now comes with a screw top rather than a cork? Not that I'm snooty about such things, it tastes just as dandy in its current packaging. I do draw the line, however, should wine begin to be marketed in serving size bags with straws attached. That would have to be a sign of impending doom for life as we know it. I would hope that if there is a hereafter involving eternal reward, that a lovely wine from a corked bottle would be served. Eternal punishment would be where the individual wine bags are served, along with stale crackers and spray-cheese-in-a-can.


Anonymous said...

Eternal punishment like that would be about as bad as it gets, if you don't count politicians.

Deanna said...

Hmmm, Capri Suns in wine there's a thought. Gah!

Bellona of Avalon said...

Politicians would be serving the Capri Sun varietals and expect tips for their marginal efforts.