Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Process

I am a process sort of girl. I'm not goal oriented by nature. I love the process of accomplishing a goal whether it's mundane or sublime. Doing housework is right up there for winning the Pulitzer for the mundane, if such a prize exists, but I love the no-mindedness of the process. And I do appreciate a clean house. Road trips. I love road trips! Not just the arrival at the destination part, but all of the miles along the way. Is there an exception to prove this rule, you might be wondering. Oh, yeah, a big fat one. It's a particularly significant exception considering the fact that I am single. Dating!!! I don't enjoy the process! I just want to fast forward through all the dating process and land smack into a comfortable and passionate relationship! For my own amusement, I have been keeping a dating diary for the last three years chronicling this second foray into finding that someone I want to be with. It includes all sorts of juicy stuff like fantasies, crushes, reflections on getting over past loves, poetry inspired by such things, observations and even actual relationships I've pursued. At some point, either when I give up or actually find Mr. NPBPFM*, I'll turn the diary into a fabulous best-seller examining my personal process in the dating world. Unless Sex and the City already did that. At the current rate, publishing this tome looks to be years hence. Maybe long enough for SatC to be long forgotten. Or at least ready for fresh contemplation.

*Not Perfect But Perfect For Me


Anonymous said...

So, is that, like, dating thing interesting or what?

Bellona of Avalon said...

It sucks. That's why I want to completely avoid the process of finding Mr. NPBPFM. I want to go directly to being totally happy with him without having to go through all the dating stuff in between.

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO!!! Yeah, wouldn't it be great to just get a relationship without the nasty "process". Have you tried ""? Or Or maybe Just trying to help.

Bellona of Avalon said...

Thanks, Ed. It feels so great to know that I have you in my corner. Generally, the Russian guys have lousy dental health, I'm taller than all the Asian fellas with the exception of Sumo wrestlers, and the NASCAR guys I just end up wanting to backhand for their bubba attitude. I hate to make generalizations, but you understand what I'm up against. Got anyone to fix me up with?