Saturday, July 19, 2008

Froot Loops

Crunchy, vaguely fruit flavored air that rips up the roof of your mouth. Makes an excellent bedtime snack. The ongoing debate in this house is, do the different colors actually have different flavors? And to take it one step further, do those colors logically correlate to the alleged fruit flavors they most likely represent? The 16yo has an ambitious plan to sort an entire box of Froot Loops by color and then consume by the bowlful a singular color in an attempt to settle this debate once and for all. I'm thinking that he should work it up into a science project for school next year. I'm also thinking he needs to get with collecting the data because the box I bought this afternoon is already half gone. This may just be a clever ploy on the part of the 16yo to get me to buy more Froot Loops. As a responsible parent, I normally insist on cereal that at least appears more healthy. But must we subsist on Shredded Wheat alone? I think not. Just no marshmallows in the cereal, that's where I draw the line.


Anonymous said...

I am horrified.

Bellona of Avalon said...

Can you be more specific?

Anonymous said...

Froot Loops are toxic. So are many other "packaged cereals".

Bellona of Avalon said...

Toxic in a good way, right?

Deanna said...

We were not allowed to eat sugary cereals growing up. Period, the end. My brother and I would stand in the cereal aisle reading labels looking for the ones with 2-4 grams of protein. Froot Loops, sadly, did not fall into this category. The only time I ever had them was at sleepovers. I know that I did buy them occasionally for my kid, but rarely.

Bellona of Avalon said...

My ex held a true and vigorous disdain for sweetened cereals. One morning when the boys were gobbling their Cinnamon Toast Crunch, their father was being snooty about how much healthier and superior his granola cereal was than theirs. The elder son, who was maybe ten at the time, out of curiosity lined up the boxes and compared the nutritional analyses. The granola had more sugar! And the CTC had more fiber! I tried not to be too smug.