Friday, June 27, 2008

Down Under

When an old appliance makes way for a new one, the old one must be moved from its place. Which means you get to find out what is lurking under there since last time you cleaned. Whenever that was. Being a casual housekeeper, which means that I'm really very good at cleaning and I really don't mind it, but there are always much more interesting things to do that distract me. My mother taught me well but I don't keep to a strict schedule of certain tasks that must be done on a regular basis or some sort of wrath will befall the negligent lady of the house. Like unexpected company will arrive and the silver won't be polished and you'll be completely mortified that your slovenly ways have been revealed. I maintain that anyone who is of drop-by-without-warning status already is aware of how I live and loves me anyway. On the other hand, if one of the Dutch aunties was to show up with her white gloves in hand and you better believe she knows how to use them, I would hate to ruin her fun by having the place completely spic & span. I aims to please! Just as any good hostess does. All I know is, this is what I found under the old stove yesterday afternoon.

7 plastic bottle caps of various colors and sizes
1 wine bottle cork
1 bright pink Christmas light
1 small orange smiley face super ball
Numerous greasy dust bunnies
Pretzel shards
Chex cereal of undetermined variety


Anonymous said...

I just gotta say, I am always petrified when it's time to do stuff like that. You never know....

Anonymous said...

That was me klutzing around the keyboard.

Bellona of Avalon said...

You can be anonymous if you want, Ed. It's always more fun when I know who's leaving a comment, but I want you to be comfortable. I was thinking I should have taken a picture of what I found under the stove. Makes me think I need to move the fridge out and see what's lurking under there...

Anonymous said...

Be careful. Those fridge things are among the worst collectors of disgusting stuff.