Sunday, April 6, 2008

I Love AWD

First of all, can someone explain to me how I checked two weather information sources before leaving home. They said all clear! But last night when I got to I70 to cross the beautiful Colorado Rockies, it was snowing! Fourteen degrees! I had the defrosters blowing and the seat heater on and my bare toes in sandals were happy to be in the warm, dry confines of the car. Dozens of semis were parked on the side of the highway and the snowplows and sandtrucks were out. But I persevered on and didn't stop until I was clear of the storm. And I felt nary a slip as I drove, must be the Subaru AWD. I love AWD. And I didn't truly put it to the test until winter was over. So let me repeat, I love AWD. And the weather prediction guys aren't any higher up on my list. Not that they were very high up to begin with.

1 comment:

Deanna said...

After driving BOJ's Subaru through a horrendous Wyo snowstorm in December, I am a convert. I'm glad you got through the weather.

Your trip looks fab! Enjoy!!