Friday, January 11, 2008

Little Miracles

I survived a five day work week. My elder son moves back into his dorm room this weekend and the holiday break with him in the house has been absolutely wonderful. A year ago I was delighted when he went back to school! On any given day, in the lab where I work, thousands of seeds on various planting media are bursting into life. I may actually accomplish getting the kitchen floor mopped this weekend. We not only experienced a white Christmas, we have had snow cover here for well over a month. Kim has cut my hair for over fifteen years. She is currently on an extended leave of absence. Rather than whine and carry on about this, I have decided to just let the stuff grow, and when Kim is back on the job, see if my ponytail is long enough to donate to Locks of Love. My 19 yo son, under the guidance of his father, recently replaced the alternator in his car. It will feel like a miracle when I finally get to hear live music again, it's been five months and that is just wrong! I have been fifty for half a year now and as near as I can tell, nothing has broken down, fallen off, become decrepit, slipped away or vaporized. At least, nothing unexpected. I still believe in love, laugh every day, sing too loud in the car, and wake up in the morning feeling grateful for another day. If everyone could say that, this world would be a much better place to be. And that would be nothing short of a miracle.

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