Wednesday, February 14, 2007

With a Little Help

...from my friends. I would be lost without them. They make my happiness greater and make my sorrows easier to bear. Under no circumstances, however, should you let your friends, dig up (in one instance quite literally) a guy for you. Not if they're friends like mine, anyway. They do make me laugh which is probably better than going out on a blind date under the best of circumstances. On our standard 15 mile bike ride, my bike buddies, Sue and KD, suggested that I post fliers in the men's rooms of various local taverns. Photo optional. I said, sure, and the information would include their phone numbers so they could screen the applicants for me. Then Sue described what she thought would be the perfect man for me. A silver-tongued Irish devil of a man. She saw him in action picking up women in Spain and spiriting several back to their rented villa. For coffee, of all things. Her husband's cousin, this potential man of my dreams. I inquired about his current location and status, marital or otherwise. Sue answered that he was quite dead, had been for years, but that he would have been perfect for me. KD then offered up the possibility of her brother, who was single, and had this lovely little story about how he adored this little girl who lived across the street from them when they were children. Said little girl had dark, curly hair just like me so she thought that would likely be in my favor. So I asked when he was to be released from prison. KD answered brightly that he would be getting out in April, a mere six months away. I love my friends. They do make me laugh. But please! A dead guy and a convicted felon? I've found more likely prospects at closing time when those scary lights come on. Oh, and then there was the guy that was a friend of my friend's boyfriend. Still with me? Who was great except for the fact that he's a relationship phobe and was heavily into recreational drug use. I never really thought that I'd be faced with dating again. And at this rate, I'd say, at least with the friends that I have, I'm safe for now.


Blind Orange Julius said...

Plus you have a fake boyfriend.

I'm just sayin'...

Bellona of Avalon said...

Didn't mean to leave you out, BOJ, I was thinking I'd devote an entire blog to our fake relationship.

Blind Orange Julius said...

I don't think you're taking this fake relationship very seriously.

Now you seem to be freaked out since I came out as a Hetero-Sexual Male. Look, I am who I am, I can't change that any more than I can change the fact that I like to make shameless plugs to my own blog, thinly vieled as comments on yours. I am who I am. Accept me.

Blind Orange Julius said...

Also, I post links in the comments of your blog that don't go anywhere.

Talk about passive/aggressive.